Novoyuuparoskland Thoughts

From Novoyuuparosk Wiki
Revision as of 00:10, 28 August 2024 by Mikkeli (talk | contribs)

This is the drafts and thoughts page for Novoyuuparoskland (working title). Stuff like character settings, world settings, plots, philosophical genii, and all that.


Besa Matlock

The protagonist. A mechanic. Quite pessimistic about everything.

Drives her workshop-on-a-truck around. Actually access is quite limited due to infrastructure getting worn out without proper maintenanace. But that's always better than walking.

Does her mechanics the druid way. You see, animism has something to offer at times.

She would describe the experience more like it's an equal full-duplex discussion about what is going on between her and the machine in question, rather than some simplex bullshit. By the way the fancy words were from Karja.

Karja Kivistö

The friend. An electrician. Not really optimisitc, just trying to take the best out of life.

Would accept people writing her name a Kivisto because 1) it's vaguely still harmonic 2) most of the people don't have umlauts on their input device of choice, herself included.

Being an ethnic Finnish she is a heavy drinker. This also aligns her creed of 'have it while you still can'.

What happens

One day Matlock came across a radio signal.

Why things happen

Philly beliefs


She is basically a more radicalised version of myself. So the first and foremost belief she holds is that human are to suffer.

It's not like we would actively pursue suffering, but that suffering will help itself to find us, now or another time.

We are never going to escape from suffering. It's eternal, persistent, unbanishable. At any given time a given human instance would find at least one example of suffering that is possible to doom on the said human instance. And usually more than one.