Main Page

From Novoyuuparosk Wiki
Revision as of 23:47, 2 July 2023 by Mikkeli (talk | contribs)

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About this Wiki

Novoyuuparosk Wiki is the personal site of Wan Ziyu / Mikkeli Matlock.

To keep the main page concise, the rest of 'About this Wiki' related contents are contained within either About Novoyuuparosk Wiki or my personal page.

A simple contents list

Covered in this site will be:

A should-be exhaustive list of all musical stuff I made.
A collection of tech blog-like articles.
Not really limited to your usual software tech blogs.
My photography output.
If I ever published a paper it will come here.
Random translations of other people's well written text.
  • Something else

Getting started