Voicepeak API

From Novoyuuparosk Wiki
Revision as of 11:35, 26 September 2023 by Mikkeli (talk | contribs)

Regarding the title: more like 'Using VOICEPEAK via command line'.


  1. https://atarms.hatenablog.com/entry/2023/03/12/164118
  2. https://takashiski.hatenablog.com/entry/2023/01/13/235249

Apparently, neither AHS nor Dreamtonics bothers giving an extensive documentation / manual for using VOICEPEAK without the GUI. For comparison, VOICEVOX doesn't do great but at least you can get a grip scavenging through what they have in the repo.

So, half of this is translation of the aforementioned Japanese blogs, the other half is what I found out by trying.

Basic usage

./voicepeak.exe [OPTION..]

Starting with ./voicepeak.exe -h: {{code|lang=pwsh| -s, --say Text Text to say

 -t, --text File              Text file to say
 -o, --out File               Path of output file
 -n, --narrator Name          Name of narrator, check --list-narrator
 -e, --emotion Expr           Emotion expression, for example:
                              happy=50,sad=50. Also check --list-emotion
     --list-narrator          Print narrator list
     --list-emotion Narrator  Print emotion list for given narrator
 -h, --help                   Print help
     --speed Value            Speed (50 - 200)
     --pitch Value            Pitch (-300 - 300)
