Main Page

From Novoyuuparosk Wiki

About this Wiki

Novoyuuparosk Wiki is the personal site of Mikkeli Matlock.

To keep the main page concise, the rest of 'About this Wiki' related contents are contained within either About Novoyuuparosk Wiki or my personal page.

The main working language of this Wiki is English, while pages could be in other languages.

A simple contents list

Covered in this site will be:

A should-be exhaustive list of all musical stuff I made. Apparently nothing is done as of yet. It will be filled!
A collection of tech blog-like articles.
Not exactly your usual software tech blogs.
My photographic output.
If I ever published a paper it will come here.
Also serves as the landing page for anyone coming from the more academic route.
Random translations of other people's well written text
Yet another 回路-kairo- discography / lyrics / resource collection.
Maybe also a bit of generic nerdness.
  • Something else

MediaWiki related links